We are honoured to announce that we have been awarded the Clef Verte label, highlighting our commitment to a high-performance environmental approach throughout the hotel with the aim of constantly evolving towards the best practices recommended by the Green Key ecolabel. Present on five continents, the Clef Verte / Green Key eco-label is the first international sustainable travel label for accommodations and restaurants.

Chateau de Chambord

We are dedicated to minimising the environmental impact of our operations, and this commitment extends to all our services. To this end, we have implemented a number of eco-friendly practices, such as waste reduction and sorting, composting and the use of local, seasonal ingredients sourced through short supply chains. In addition, we use eco-labelled cleaning products and have adopted a sustainable purchasing policy that prioritises circular and eco-responsible procurement.

In our efforts to promote sustainable tourism and environmental conservation, we prioritise the awareness of both our staff and guests. Our environmental manager has received specific training in CSR and sustainability, and our teams are trained in eco-friendly practices to be followed in their daily tasks. We carefully select suppliers and service providers who share our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, and we provide guests with information about the surrounding plant and animal species in our room directory. We also offer several alternatives to minimise car travel, such as bicycle hire and loan, electric trolleys and car sharing.

To save water and energy, we have implemented several measures, such as the installation of water savers and pressure reducers on taps and showers, as well as the use of LED lighting throughout the hotel. We regularly monitor our water and electricity meters to better manage our consumption, and we have installed a drip system to water our green areas and minimise water consumption. Presence detectors and timers are used in common areas and corridors to reduce energy waste.

Booking Relais de Chambord